Surrogacy Womb

Assisted Reproduction Technique in which a woman gestate in her womb the product from the conception of another woman who cannot carry out the gestation in her own uterus.

The state of Sinaloa is the only state in Mexico where surrogacy is allowed. The process must be carried out under specific regulations. 

At Health Vacanza we bring you to Sinaloa with your entire trip perfectly planned, so you can receive the proper diagnosis and treatment for you to meet the love of your life… your baby.

    Assisted Reproduction

    Having high level medical equipment and the best technology in Assisted Reproduction techniques will make it possible to realize your dream of becoming a mother.

    Health Vacanza offers you a certified medical team, with training abroad and belonging to national and international societies, who thanks to their knowledge and technology will be able to make your dream of having a baby in your arms come true.


    Regular visits to the gynecologist are of vital importance for proper control of a woman’s development and to prevent diseases.

    Women are often characterized by different stages in their lives, such as adolescence, childbearing age and menopause. It is important to take care of your needs and make sure you live one of them to the fullest.

    In Health Vacanza we have highly trained specialists to provide you with the service you need.


    Looking over your health and your baby’s health during and after pregnancy is essential to receive a thorough treatment and prepare for the arrival of that special being.

    Prenatal checkups allow you to keep you and your baby healthy, identifying and taking care of high-risk pregnancies so that having your baby in your arms is possible.

    It’s of vital importance to study and monitor the follow-up and treatment of pathologies that may complicate a pregnancy, as well as to identify alterations in the fetus before its birth in order to be able to obtain an adequate treatment.

    Currently there are different strategies to obtain a prenatal diagnosis: 

    • Combined study.
    • Structural ultrasound.
    • Fetal DNA in maternal blood.
    • 3D/4D ultrasound.


    Welcoming your baby in a safe place surrounded by the necessary medical equipment is of vital importance to ensure your and your baby’s wellbeing.

    In Health Vacanza we make sure to find a place that has the necessary infrastructure to accompany you in the birth of your baby, either by humanized delivery or cesarean section, according to the specific obstetric indication of the specialist doctor.


    A balanced diet and good eating habits are essential while you are waiting for your baby to arrive.

    Prepare yourself for a successful pregnancy and welcome your baby in the healthiest way possible, giving your body all the nutrients it needs.

    Take care of your body, avoid complications and fulfill your dream of becoming a mother.


    Having the necessary emotional support will be your backup to understand your process and feel accompanied in this very important process for you.

    Feeling assisted and having your treatment with a specialist will help you to understand the situations that may be faced in the process of becoming a mother.

    Our time: 7:42am CST